All About Me

My name is Stabitha Cru’ktfinger, but my friends call me Stabs. I live in the beautiful Grande Ronde Valley in NE Oregon.

I’m queer, trans-masc, non-binary, middle aged, neuro-diverse, feral, foul-mouthed, and moving ever further left. I love black, I love rainbows, I love all sorts of geeky and nerdy and spooky shit. I’m a hermit by nature, but I can schmooze with the best of them when it’s called for. I also have two cats and they are my very heart and soul.

I collect post apocalyptic skills like some people collect stamps. I can build shit, I’m a blacksmith, I can spin and crochet yarn. I’m learning the ins and outs of growing and preserving my own food, including building a chicken coop from the ground up. I also get along with my neighbors hahaha

I started painting in November of 2023, after a lifetime of dreaming about it. I blame/credit bob Ross ::heart eyes:: Much to my surprise and delight I’m pretty good at it! At least, I’m making art I like, and I hope you like it too.