Front Page News

work in progress, watercolor and ink on 100% cotton paper

Welcome to Takin’ A Stab At Art!

Goin’ on a trip, see blog post in sidebar!

Thank you so much for stopping by! I’m so pleased and proud to have a little corner of the internet all of my very own, someplace where I can gleefully show off my work, and equally gleefully show off other artists’ work as well, artists that I admire and adore.

And this ain’t no copy/paste, content farm bullshit, either, these are people that I know, sending me the work that they want to show, work that they made with their own hands and minds and souls.

The only A.I. you will ever find here is Artistic Integrity.

So take a look around! There’s cool art to look at. Khajiit has wares if you have coin. And as soon as I figure out this whole mailing list thing, there will be that, too!

Have fun, come back for updates, and thanks again!